


total names :: 127
this list has been sorted: VIEW ALL
nom. prov. :: 24
accepted :: 85

undefined :: 1
cryptonom. temp. :: 17

(detailed) :: 127


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Amanita albiceps Lamoureux nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita albovolvata A. E. Wood (detailed)
Amanita americrocea Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita angustilamellata (Höhn.) Boedijn (detailed)
Amanita annulatovaginata var. atra Beeli (detailed)
Amanita anthracina Tulloss & D. P. Lewis nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita antillana R. W. G. Dennis (detailed)
Amanita arctica Bas ex Knudsen & Borgen (detailed)
Amanita arenicola O. K. Mill. & D. J. Lodge (detailed)
Amanita argentea Huijsman (detailed)
Amanita atrofusca Zhu L. Yang (detailed)
Amanita aurea (Beeli) E.- J. Gilbert (detailed)
Amanita aureosolea Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)

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Amanita barrowsii A. H. Sm. ex Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita basiana Tulloss & M. Traverso (detailed)
Amanita beckeri Huijsman (detailed)
Amanita biovigera Singer (detailed)
Amanita brunneofuliginea Zhu L. Yang (detailed)

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Amanita cacaina Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita calopus (Beeli) E.-J. Gilbert (detailed)
Amanita ceciliae (Berk. & Broome) Bas (detailed)
Amanita cheelii P. M. Kirk (detailed)
Amanita chiricahuana Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita cinctipes Corner & Bas (detailed)
Amanita cistetorum Contu & Pacioni (detailed)
Amanita coacta Bas (detailed)
Amanita colombiana Tulloss, Ovrebo & Halling (detailed)
Amanita constricta Thiers & Ammirati (detailed)
Amanita craseoderma Bas (detailed)
Amanita crassiputamen Tulloss, Kudzma & Pastorino nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita crebresulcata Bas (detailed)
Amanita cremeosorora Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita crocea (Quél. in Bourd.) Singer ex Singer (detailed)

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Amanita dryophila Consiglio & Contu (detailed)
Amanita dulciarii Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita dunicola Guzmán (detailed)

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Amanita flaccida (D. A. Reid) Tulloss (detailed)
Amanita flammeola Pegler & Piearce (detailed)
Amanita flavescens (E.-J. Gilbert & S. Lund.) Contu (detailed)
Amanita floridana (Murrill) Dav. T. Jenkins ex Tulloss (detailed)
Amanita friabilis (Karst.) Bas (detailed)
Amanita fuligineodisca Tulloss, Ovrebo & Halling (detailed)
Amanita fulva—Eurasian (Schaeff.) Fr. (detailed)
Amanita fulva—North_American (Schaeff.) Fr. (detailed)
Amanita fulva—unsequenced_specimens_corral undefined (detailed)
Amanita fuscostriata Pegler (detailed)

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Amanita goauldiorum Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita griseofolia Zhu L. Yang (detailed)
Amanita groenlandica Bas ex Knudsen & Borgen (detailed)

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Amanita hamadae Nagas. & Hongo (detailed)
Amanita homolalittenii Tulloss et al. nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita huijsmanii F. Massart & Rouzeau (detailed)
Amanita humboldtii Singer (detailed)
Amanita hyperborea (Karst.) Fayod (detailed)

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Amanita illudens Sacc. (detailed)
Amanita islandica Melot (detailed)

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Amanita lactea Malençon, Romagn. & D. A. Reid (detailed)
Amanita lignitincta Zhu L. Yang ex Yang-Yang Cui, Qing Cai & Zhu L. Yang (detailed)
Amanita liquii Zhu L. Yang, M. Weiss & Oberw. (detailed)
Amanita longicuneus Tulloss, Kudzma, S. D. Russell & K. W. Hughes nom. prov. (detailed)

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Amanita magna Lamoureux nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita magnivolvata Aalto (detailed)
Amanita mairei Foley (detailed)
Amanita malleata (Piane ex Bon) Contu (detailed)
Amanita mobilimanica Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita mortenii Knudsen & Borgen (detailed)

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Amanita nishidae Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita nivalis Grev. (detailed)

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Amanita oblongispora Contu ex Tulloss & Contu (detailed)
Amanita ochraceopallida Contu (detailed)
Amanita olivaceogrisea Kalaméés (detailed)
Amanita orientifulva Zhu L. Yang, M. Weiss & Oberw. (detailed)
Amanita ovalispora Boedijn (detailed)

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Amanita pachycolea Stuntz in Thiers & Ammirati (detailed)
Amanita pachyvolvata (Bon) Krieglst. (detailed)
Amanita pallidobrunnea A. E. Wood (detailed)
Amanita pallidocarnea (Höhn.) Boedijn (detailed)
Amanita pallidochracea A. E. Wood (detailed)
Amanita pallidofumosa A. E. Wood (detailed)
Amanita pekeoides G. S. Ridl. (detailed)
Amanita petersenii Tulloss & Kudzma nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita populiphila Tulloss & E. Moses (detailed)
Amanita protecta Tulloss & G. Wright (detailed)
Amanita pseudocrocea Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita pseudovaginata Hongo (detailed)
Amanita pudibunda R. Heim ex R. Heim (detailed)

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Amanita rasitabula Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita reidiana Tulloss (detailed)
Amanita romagnesiana Tulloss (detailed)

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Amanita sampajensis A. V. Sathe & S. M. Kulk. (detailed)
Amanita sinicoflava Tulloss (detailed)
Amanita sordidobubalina A. E. Wood (detailed)
Amanita sororcula Tulloss, Ovrebo & Halling (detailed)
Amanita strobilaceovolvata Beeli (detailed)
Amanita submembranacea (Bon) Gröger (detailed)
Amanita subnigra Lamoureux nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita subnudipes (Romagn.) Tulloss (detailed)
Amanita supravolvata Lanne (detailed)

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Amanita tainaomby R. Heim (detailed)
Amanita texasorora Tulloss, Kudzma & D. P. Lewis nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita tomentosivolva Zhu L. Yang (detailed)
Amanita trygonion Tulloss, Pastorino & Kudzma nom. prov. (detailed)

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Amanita umbrinolutea (Secr. ex Gillet) Bataille (detailed)

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Amanita vaginata var. alba Gillet (detailed)
Amanita velosa (Peck) Lloyd (detailed)
Amanita verrucosivolva Zhu L. Yang (detailed)
Amanita vetinummus Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)
Amanita violettae Tulloss (detailed)

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Amanita xanthomitra Tulloss nom. prov. (detailed)

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Amanita yucatanensis Guzmán (detailed)

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Amanita sp-Arora-01-555 cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-AZ18 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-M16 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-N09 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-N35 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-N37 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-N53 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-NFL01 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-NFL03 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-NM01 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-NW04 Tulloss & J. E. Lindgr. cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-T06 Tulloss & D. P. Lewis cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-T16 Tulloss & D. P. Lewis cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-T23 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-T36 Tulloss, D. P. Lewis & J. Justice cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-T43 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
Amanita sp-V01 Tulloss cryptonom. temp. (detailed)
**new** see as sporograph
**new** map of collections
Type species: Amanita vaginata (Bull. : Fr.) Lam.
[&equiv:Agaricus vaginatus Bull. : Fr. (1821)

Amanita sect. Vaginatae comprises all and only those taxa of subgenus Amanita that

  1. have the basidiome deveoping approximately centrally in the primordium and have a totally elongating (bulbless) stipe;

  2. lack or have very few clamp connections at the bases of basidia.

In addition to the defining characters above, all known taxa of this section are originally covered entirely in a volva (universal veil) that ranges from nearly pulverulent to friable to submembranous to membranous.  Among the taxa with universal veils that are not submembranous or membranous, several are now known to have bright colored pigments (e.g., yellow, orange, or red) in their universal veils at least early in development.   A number of taxa with non membranous universal veils, have such veils becoming gray or a sordid form of their original color with exposure to air and aging.  In the same taxa, the lamellae may also become sordid with age.  Taxa with strictly membranous universal veils, may have rusty, ochraceous, or some other color of staining on the external surface of their saccate volva.

The supraspecific subdivisions provided for this section should all be considered provisional (in most cases the names are not published).   The systematics of the section is under study morphologically and genetically by RET and a growing number of other researchers.   The subdivisions presented at the present time will undoubtedly be subject to extensive revision.

sample taxa