Furrer-Ziogas. 1969. Schweiz. Z. Pilzk. 47 (12): 214.
name status
nomen acceptum
≡Limacella delicata var. vinosorubescens (Furrer-Ziogas) Gminder. 1994. Z. Mykol. 60: 395.
=Lepiota haematites sensu Imbach. 1944. Schweiz. Z. Pilzk. 47(12): 214. [per Neville and Poumarat (2004)]
The editors of this site owe a great debt to Dr. Cornelis Bas
whose famous cigar box files of Amanita nomenclatural information
gathered over three or more decades were made available to RET for computerization
and make up the lion's share of the nomenclatural information presented on this site.
vinosus, "wine-colored" + rubescens, "becoming red" or "reddening"
Due to delays in data processing at GenBank, some accession numbers may lead to unreleased (pending) pages.
These pages will eventually be made live, so try again later.
double click in markup mode to edit.
double click in markup mode to edit.
material examined
from protolog: SWITZERLAND: BERN—ca. Bern, Bremgartenwald, 6.x.1964 Wildmer s.n. [Furrer-Ziogas 107/24-26] (holotype, in herb. Furrer-Ziogas).
—R. E. Tulloss
Information to support the viewer in reading the content of "technical" tabs
can be found here.
Each spore data set is intended to comprise a set of measurements from a single specimen made by a single observer;
and explanations prepared for this site talk about specimen-observer pairs associated with each data set.
Combining more data into a single data set is non-optimal because it obscures observer differences
(which may be valuable for instructional purposes, for example) and may obscure instances in which
a single collection inadvertently contains a mixture of taxa.