
Amanita bisporigera G. F. Atk.
Photograph by E. R. Yetter of New Jersey material

Recent publications relating to Amanitins:

Amanita exitialis Zhu L. Yang & T. H. Li
Photograph by P. Zhang of material from SW China

Links to amanitin research:

[ Note: Readers are encouraged to supply us with information about laboratories, individual projects, and research publications to which links would be valuable.]

  • The Amanita genome project (site) - toxin-related effort to sequence the genome of Amanita bisporigera G. F. Atk. and identify genes associated with toxin production.

  • Amanita and amatoxins (page) - a summary of H. E. Hallen's hypotheses particularly as related to amatoxins as adaptation (for what sort of defense from what sort of thing?) and the history of amatoxin fabricating genes in the four genera known to include species that produce amatoxins.