name |
Amanita sp-N27 |
author |
Tulloss |
name status |
cryptonomen temporarium |
GenBank nos. |
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intro |
Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been
thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text
where data is missing or uncertain.
The following text is derived from original research of R. E. Tulloss. |
pileus |
46 mm wide, nearly chestnut brown when collected, more olivaceous brown the next morning, may have a pale band on the inner ends of the striae when young, this disappearing in age, unchanging when cut or bruised, broadly campanulate, tacky, dull to subshiny; context white with light grayish brown under pileipellis, unchanging when cut or bruised, 4 mm thick at stipe, thinning evenly for ?? of radius, then membranous to margin; margin striate (0.25R), nonappendiculate; universal veil absent. |
lamellae |
free to narrowly adnate, lacking decurrent line on upper stipe, crowded, off-white in mass, ?? in side view, 4.5 mm broad; lamellulae truncate, of diverse lengths, unevenly distributed. |
stipe |
139 × 8 mm, off-white, unchanging when cut or bruised, with brownish to grayish fibrils in lower two thirds, narrowing upward, very slightly flaring at apex; context off-white, unchanging when cut or bruised, hollow, lined with white cottony fibrils in lower part, with central cylinder 4.5 mm wide, larva tunnels concolorous except for slight browning on edge of holes in stipe surface, base of stipe pointed; exannulate; universal veil membranous, soft, white with ochraceous staining, highest point of limb 42 mm from stipe base, limb 1± mm thick at midpoint between topmost point on limb and point of attachment to stipe, limbus internus only as a small ledge just above point of attachment to stipe. |
odor/taste |
Odor indistinct. Taste not recorded |
macrochemical tests |
none recorded. |
lamella edge tissue |
sterile. |
basidiospores |
[20/1/1] (9.8-) 10.0 - 11.5 × 9.0 - 10.5 (-10.8) µm, (L = 10.6 µm; W = 9.9 µm; Q = (1.02-) 1.04 - 1.13 (-1.14); Q = 1.08), hyaline, colorless, smooth, thin?-walled, inamyloid, globose to subglobose, adaxially flattened; apiculus sublateral, cylindric, at times quite small; contents ??; ?? in deposit. |
ecology |
Solitary. In loam. |
material examined |
MAINE—Penobscot Co. - Orono, University of
Maine, 10.viii.1991 Al Northrup s.n.
[Tulloss 8-10-91-C] (RET 030-5).
NEW YORK—Sussex Co.
(Long Isl.) - Rocky Pt. Conservation Area,
26.ix.2000 J. L. Horman 1 (RET 320-6, nrITS &
nrLSU seq'd.).
[Note: must check NY coll. further, and there is a Masschusetts coll. to be reviewed (RET 361-7)] |
citations |
—R. E. Tulloss |
editors |