name | Amanita sp-M30 | ||||||||
author | Tulloss et al. | ||||||||
name status | cryptonomen temporarium | ||||||||
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intro |
Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been
thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text
where data is missing or uncertain. The following material is based on original research by R. E. Tulloss. Field notes and phenoloxidase testing by Dr. Adriana Montoya-Esquivel. | ||||||||
pileus | 78 - 92 mm wide, orangish yellow (4A4) over disc, otherwise brownish red-orange (7B7-8), becoming darker brownish red-orange (7D7) in age, convex to plano-convex, slightly shiny; context white except for yellow (3A5) just below pileus, unchanging when damaged, 7 - 9 mm thick over stipe, evenly thinning to margin; margin nonstriate, nonappendiculate; universal veil yellow to orange-yellow (3-4A5), floccose, in patches, detersile, unchanging when damaged. | ||||||||
lamellae | free, without decurrent line on upper stipe, crowded, light yellow to yellow (3A3-4) in mass, light yellowish white to light orangish white (3-4A2) in side view, 4 - 4.5 mm broad, not forking; lamellulae subtruncate to subattenuate to attenuate, [??distribution??], in diverse lengths, plentiful. | ||||||||
stipe | 72 × 24 - 27 mm, light orangish yellow (4A3) above partial veil and white to whitish below, cylindric, not flaring at apex, with surface slightly granulose to fibrillose; bulb 28 × 21 mm, narrowly subnapiform, with orange-brown (7E6) spot on exterior surface; context white, staining pale orangish white (5A2), solid; partial veil superior, pale yellow to orangish yellow (3A3 to 4A6), membranous, pendent, skirt-like, somewhat fragile, pulverulent above; universal veil orange-yellow (4A6), in loose patches, detersile, floccose-submembranous. | ||||||||
odor/taste | Odor very slight, mild. Taste not recorded. | ||||||||
macrochemical tests |
Spot test for tyrosinase (paracresol) - In both immature and mature material, entire context strongly positive in 2 min; during that time, lamellae unchanging. Spot test for laccase (syringaldazine) - negative throughout 19 min. test period. Test voucher: Tulloss 7-16-96-F. | ||||||||
basidiospores | [20/1/1] 7.6 - 9.0 (-9.5) × (4.7-) 5.0 - 6.0 (-6.5) μm, (L = 8.4 μm; L' = ?? μm; W = 5.6 μm; W' = ?? μm; Q = (1.33-) 1.38 - 1.63 (-1.70); Q = 1.50; Q' = ?), ?, ?, smooth, ?-walled, amyloid, dominatly ellipsoid, occasionally elongate, adaxially flattened; apiculus sublateral, cylindric, proportionately short; contents ??; color in deposit not recorded. | ||||||||
ecology | Subgregarious. At 3110 m elev. In Abies-Pinus forest dominated by Abies. | ||||||||
material examined | MÉXICO: TLAXCALA—Mpio. Huamantla - E slope of Volcano La Malintzi, La Cañada Grande [19°14’45” N/ 97°54’56” W, 3110 m], 16.vii.1996 Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber s.n. [Tulloss 7-16-96-F] (RET 256-2). | ||||||||
discussion |
This species is much more robust than the small North American species, A. franchetii sensu Dav. T. Jenkins. In some communities in Tlaxcala edo., this species is called "yema," probably because of its cap color's suggesting that of A. basii of section Caesareae. | ||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss | ||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||
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