name | Amanita sarahae | ||||||||||||||||
author | Tulloss and S. D. Russell | ||||||||||||||||
name status | nomen provisorum | ||||||||||||||||
english name | "Sarah Tulloss' Ringless Amanita" | ||||||||||||||||
etymology | To honor the memory of Sarah Elizabeth King Tulloss (1990-2011). | ||||||||||||||||
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intro |
The following text may make multiple use of each data field. The field may contain magenta text presenting data from a type study and/or revision of other original material cited in the protolog of the present taxon. Macroscopic descriptions in magenta are a combination of data from the protolog and additional observations made on the exiccata during revision of the cited original material. The same field may also contain black text, which is data from a revision of the present taxon (including non-type material and/or material not cited in the protolog). Paragraphs of black text will be labeled if further subdivision of this text is appropriate. Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text where data is missing or uncertain. The text is derived from molecular studies of Stephen D. Russell, and other original research by R. E. Tulloss. | ||||||||||||||||
pileus | 68 mm wide, tan without fulvous tint (close to 5C5), with disc dark fulvous (as often seen in A. fulva), planar, umbonate, tacky; context white, with very minimal brown line under pileipellis in disc only, not changing with cutting or bruising, 5 mm thick above stipe, thinning evenly for three-quarters distance to margin, thence membranous; margin striate (0.35R), not appendiculate, often splitting deeply at maturity; universal veil absent. | ||||||||||||||||
lamellae | free, crowded, pale orangish cream in mass, pale cream in side view, unchanging when cut or bruised, 4 mm broad; lamellulae truncate, unevenly distributed, of diverse lengths, common, with some lamella-lamellula pairs giving appearance of forking because of lamella curving around lamellula. | ||||||||||||||||
stipe | 134 × 13 mm, pale cream or faintly orangish cream, more orange and more sordid where handled, with rust to orange-brown staining where stipipellis is broken or where surface fibrils are crushed together, narrowing upward, slightly flaring at apex, faintly longitudinally striatulate, with longitudinally oriented fibrils densely placed and more strongly pigmented than ground; context white to off-white, not changing when cut or bruised, hollow, with 7 mm wide central cylinder lined with white cottony fibrils; exannulate; universal veil as saccate volva, white, staining when damaged like stipe surface, membranous, subtubular, with dry exterior, lacking the rusty orange staining common in A. amerifulva, ?? × ?? mm, distinct from stipe context and apparently separable from stipe context even below stipe base. | ||||||||||||||||
odor/taste | Odor indistinct. Taste not recorded. | ||||||||||||||||
macrochemical tests |
none reported. | ||||||||||||||||
lamella trama | bilateral, divergent; wcs = 60 - 65 µm (fresh material); ??; subhymenial base ??; filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae ?? µm wide, ??, with septa markedly constricted both in divergent elements of subhymenial base and in central stratum, with occasional segment reaching from close to central stratum to one cell away from basidial base; inflated cells apparently all intercalary; vascular hyphae ?? µm wide, ??. | ||||||||||||||||
subhymenium | wst-near = 110 - 130 µm (fresh material); wst-far = 140 - 145 µm (fresh material); comprising 1 - 3 (-4) cells between subhymenial base and base of longest basidia, having branching structure very apparent despite plenitude of inflated cells, with basidia arising predominantly from globose to subglobose inflated cells and occasionally from cells of other shapes or uninflated or slightly inflated short hyphal segments. | ||||||||||||||||
basidia | 69 - 89 × 16.0 - 21 µm, 4-sterigmate, with sterigmata up to 5.5 × 3.0 µm; clamps rare or absent. | ||||||||||||||||
partial veil | absent. | ||||||||||||||||
lamella edge tissue | sterile. | ||||||||||||||||
basidiospores | [24/1/1] (10.5-) 12.0 - 14.0 (-15.5) × (9.6-) 10.8 - 13.5 (-14.5) µm, (L = 13.2 µm; L’ = 13.2 µm; W = 12.3 µm; W’ = 12.3 µm; Q = 1.04 - 1.11 (-1.12); Q = 1.07; Q’ = 1.07), hyaline, colorless, thin-walled, smooth, inamyloid, globose to subglobose, adaxially flattened; apiculus sublateral, cylindric, with hemispheric tip; contents ??; color in deposit not recorded. | ||||||||||||||||
ecology | Solitary. Following a season with rains more intense than usual, many species appeared to have stopped producing basidiomes. In sandy loam. Trees not recorded. | ||||||||||||||||
material examined | U.S.A.: CONNECTICUT—Middlesex Co. - Portland Twp., Hurd St. Pk. [41°31'23" N/ 72°32'25" W, 15-125 m], 23.ix.2000 Connie Borodenko s.n. [Tulloss 9-23-00-B] (RET 319-5, nrITS & nrLSU seq'd.) Tolland Co. - Hebron, The Hemlocks Nature Educ. Ctr. [41°37’11” N/ 72°23’22” W, 145-160 m], 30.viii.1997 Carly De Gasperis, Michaela Slavid & S. E. K. Tulloss s.n. [Tulloss 8-30-97-F] (RET 268-9, nrITS seq'd.). PENNSYLVANIA—Luzerne Co. - Rickett's Glen St. Pk. [41º18’12” N/ 75º35’09” W, 520m],13.viii.2013 David Wasilewski s.n. [mushsroomobserver #142745] (RET 570-80 nrITS-LSU seq'd.). | ||||||||||||||||
discussion | The present species was formerly known as Amanita sp-N46 in these pages. | ||||||||||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss | ||||||||||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||||||||||
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name | Amanita sarahae |
name status | nomen provisorum |
author | Tulloss & S. D. Russell |
english name | "Sarah Tulloss' Ringless Amanita" |
images | |
photo | David Wasilewski - (1) Hickory Run State Park, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (RET 569-7) [Note: The unedited and untrimmed version of this image is available here.—ed.] |