name | Amanita mafingensis |
name status | nomen acceptum |
author | Härk. & Saarim. in Härk., Saarim. & Mwasumbi |
english name | "Mafinga Slender Caesar" |
cap | The cap of Amanita mafingensis is 40 - 130 mm wide, convex, then planar, often with a slight umbo, silky smooth, sticky, sometimes appendiculate with a bit of the partial veil, with striate margin (10±% of the radius); it's cap is copper-brown to chestnut, often with a darker ring near the inner ends of marginal striations. The flesh is firm, white for the most part, and yellow under the cap skin. The cap usually lacks volval remnants. |
gills | The gills are free with decurrent striations on stem apex, fairly crowded, ivory to yellow, fairly thin, and have a smooth edge. |
stem | The stem is 50 - 110 × 10 - 20 mm, very pale yellow to yellow, with white, hollow, brittle-fibrous flesh. The robust, saccate volva is white to grayish on the exterior surface, membranous, thick, and lobed. |
odor/taste | The odor of this species is said to be weak and reminiscent of a "cellar." The taste is said to be mild. |
spores | The spores measure 10.5 - 12.7 (-15.8) × (6.8-) 7.1 - 8.9 (-10.5) µm and are ellipsoid to elongate and inamyloid. Clamps are infrequent at bases of basidia. |
discussion |
Amanita mafingensis was originally described from Tanzania. The species is fairly widely distributed in miombo woodlands in central Africa. Among other African Slender Caesars are the following: A. loosii Beeli (lacking an umbo), A. masasiensis Härk. & Saarim. in Härk., Saarim. & Mwasumbi, and A. tanzanica Härk. & Saarim. in Härk., Saarim. & Mwasumbi, and A. zambiana Pegler & Piearce (lacking an umbo). This group of taxa are "market species" and enjoyed by a diverse number of peoples in Africa.—R. E. Tulloss |
brief editors | RET |
name | Amanita mafingensis | ||||||||||||||||||||
author | Härk. & Saarim. in Härk., Saarim. & Mwasumbi. 1994. Karstenia 34: 53, figs. 6, 8. | ||||||||||||||||||||
name status | nomen acceptum | ||||||||||||||||||||
english name | "Mafinga Slender Caesar" | ||||||||||||||||||||
synonyms |
?=Amanita hemibapha sensu B. Morris. 1987. Comm. Mushr. Malawi: 22, Pl. 1 [center top, fig. incorrectly captioned "Amanita bingensis"]. The editors of this site owe a great debt to Dr. Cornelis Bas whose famous cigar box files of Amanita nomenclatural information gathered over three or more decades were made available to RET for computerization and make up the lion's share of the nomenclatural information presented on this site. | ||||||||||||||||||||
MycoBank nos. | 363413 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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holotypes | H; isotype, DSM | ||||||||||||||||||||
type studies | Tulloss, here | ||||||||||||||||||||
intro |
The following text may make multiple use of each data field. The field may contain magenta text presenting data from a type study and/or revision of other original material cited in the protolog of the present taxon. Macroscopic descriptions in magenta are a combination of data from the protolog and additional observations made on the exiccata during revision of the cited original material. The same field may also contain black text, which is data from a revision of the present taxon (including non-type material and/or material not cited in the protolog). Paragraphs of black text will be labeled if further subdivision of this text is appropriate. Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text where data is missing or uncertain. The following is based on the macroscopic and spore descriptions of the protolog and on original research by R. E. Tulloss. | ||||||||||||||||||||
pileus | from protolog: 40–130 mm wide, copper-brown to chestnut, often with darker ring near inner ends of marginal striations, convex, then planar, often with slight umbo, silky smooth, sticky; context white except yellow under pileipellis, firm; margin striate (0.1±R), nonappendiculate; universal veil absent. | ||||||||||||||||||||
lamellae | from protolog: free with decurrent lines on stipe, fairly crowded, ivory to yellow, fairly thin, 10 – 14 mm broad, with smooth edge; lamellulae not described. | ||||||||||||||||||||
stipe | from protolog: 80 - 130 × 10 - 20 mm, very pale yellow to yellow, striate above partial veil and floccose below it; context white, brittle-fibrous, hollow; partial veil superior, pendent, membranous, thin, finely striate, pale yellow, becoming grayish and fugacious in some specimens; universal veil as robust saccate volva, white to grayish, membranous, thick, lobed, slightly floccose on external surface, attached only at extreme base of stipe, with small limbus internus. | ||||||||||||||||||||
odor/taste | from protolog: Odor weak, cellar-like. Taste mild. | ||||||||||||||||||||
macrochemical tests |
none reported. | ||||||||||||||||||||
pileipellis | from protolog: of two layers; suprapellis gelatinized; subpellis "fading"; filamentous hyphae present; vascular hyphae up to 17 μm wide, "conspicuous." | ||||||||||||||||||||
pileus context | not described. | ||||||||||||||||||||
lamella trama |
not described in protolog. from type study of RET/CRC: clamps freqent. | ||||||||||||||||||||
subhymenium |
from protolog: inflated cells subglobose to angular, 5 - 15 μm wide. from type study of RET/CRC: wst-near = ?? µm; wst-far = ?? µm; pseudoparenchymatous, comprising 2 to 3 layers of inflated cells (often subglobose, sometimes ellipsoid, 10.5 - 15.5 × 6.5 - 14.5 μm), with basidia arising from inflated cells. | ||||||||||||||||||||
basidia |
from protolog: 30 - 50 × 9 - 12 μm, 4-sterigmate; clamps not described. from type study of RET/CRC: (30-) 46 – 72 × 10.3 – 11.5 µm, dominantly 4-, occasionally 2-sterigmate, with sterigmata 1.5 - 4.0 × 1.2 - 2.4 µm; clamps relatively common. | ||||||||||||||||||||
universal veil | from protolog: On pileus: presumably absent. On stipe base, interior: strongly gelatinized with the exception of some hyphae; filamentous hyphae 3 - 5 μm wide; clamps "several." | ||||||||||||||||||||
stipe context | from protolog: longitudinally acrophysalidic; filamentous hyphae 2 - 8 μm; acrophysalides small at surface (up to 25 μm wide), below surface up to 65 μm wide; vascular hyphae numerous; clamps "several." [Note: The fact that the hyphae "inside" the stem are described as flexuous and loose and (apparently) not having longitudinal orientation suggests that authors were examining the material in the central cylinder of the stipe rather than the context proper; hence, the size of the acrophysalides may apply only to the "stuffing" material. A revision of the stipe context will be necessary.—ed.] | ||||||||||||||||||||
partial veil | from protolog: totally or partially gelatinized; filamentous hyphae interwoven; inflated cells "many," "club-shaped or pear-shaped." [Note: The description of inflated cells (both in number and shape) suggests that the remnants of lamella edge tissue on the upper surface of the partial veil are what is being described here (see below). This tissue requires revision.—ed.] | ||||||||||||||||||||
lamella edge tissue | from protolog: sterile; filamentous hyphae in loosely interwoven cable-like structure (per figure); inflated cells 30 - 75 μm long, "cystidia-like," clavate to broadly clavate and terminal singly (both per figure). | ||||||||||||||||||||
basidiospores |
From protolog: [-/-/-] 9.5 - 13 × 5.5 - 8.5 µm, (L’ = 10.6 µm; W’ = 6.9 µm; Q = 1.44 - 1.66; Q’ = 1.53), hyaline, smooth, inamyloid, ellipsoid to elongate; apiculus sublateral (per figure); contents mono- or occasionally multiguttulate; white in deposit. [Note: The sporograph for this data is greatly extended in length and width, possibly because the ranges provided in the protolog are not of a form compatible with the standard on this site. The reader may wish to use the ?User+sporograph page to manually delete the protolog data when comparing spores of this species with other taxa.—ed.] from type study of RET/CRC: [80/2/1] (9.0-) 10.0 - 12.5 (-15.8) × (6.0-) 6.5 - 8.5 (-10.5) µm, (L = 10.4 - 11.4 µm; L’ = 10.9 µm; W = 6.9 - 7.7 µm; W’ = 7.3 µm; Q = (1.32-) 1.35 - 1.64 (-1.84); Q = 1.49 - 1.51; Q’ = 1.50), hyaline, colorless, thin-walled, smooth, inamyloid, ellipsoid to elongate, at least sometimes adaxially flattened; apiculus sublateral, cylindric to truncate-conic, often rather prominent; contents predominantly mono-, also multiguttulate; white in deposit. | ||||||||||||||||||||
ecology | from protolog: Subgregarious. On plateau at 1000–1750 m elev. In miombo woodland, with Brachystegia and Uapaca most commonly present mycorrhizal trees. In degraded Brachystegia-Uapaca woodland with Ochna, Parinari, Rothmannia, Combretum molle, Garcinia, and Gardenia on hill slope in red soil or in heavily grazed and degraded Brachystegia-Uapaca woodland or in degraded miombo woodland dominated by Uapaca or in degraded Brachystegia-Combretum-Albizia woodland or in sandy soil among rocky outcrops in Brachystegia woodland with few Uapaca, Protea, Hymenocardia, and Combretum. | ||||||||||||||||||||
material examined |
from protolog: TANZANIA: SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS PROV.—Iringa Distr. - Mafinga, Changarawe village [08 35 AD], 5.ii.1993 Saarimäki et al. 1577 (holotype, H; isotype, DSM); 40 km NE of Iringa, Itagutwa village [07 35 DA], 8.ii.1993 Saarimäki et al. 1597 (paratypes, DSM & H); 65 km E of Iringa, Ikokoto village [07 36 CA], 9.ii.1993 Saarimäki et al. 1615 (paratypes, DSM & H). Njombe Distr. - 2 km N of Kidugala, Ngaramiro village [09 34 BA], 31.i.1993 Saarimäki et al. 1476 (paratypes, DSM & H); N of Kidugala, btwn. Sengele and Masaulwa villages [09 34 BA], 2.ii.1993 Saarimäki et al. 1527 (paratypes, DSM & H).
[Note: Six-character location codes given above are those of Polhill (1988) and Leistner and Morris (1976) per Härkönen et al. (1994).] from type study of RET: TANZANIA: SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS PROV.—Iringa Distr. - Mafinga, Changarawe village [08 35 AD], 5.ii.1993 Saarimäki et al. 1577 (holotype, H). ZAMBIA: COPPER BELT PROV.—off Kitwe-Ndola Rd., Greystone Farm, 28.xii.2000 David Arora 00-453 (RET 348-8, nrITS, nrLSU, tef1-α seq'd.; SFSU). | ||||||||||||||||||||
discussion |
The following diagram provides sporograph comparisons between the present species and A. masasiensis and A. tanzanica. A. mafingensis is distinguished from the other two taxa orignally treated in (Härkonen et al. 1994) by its less elongated spores; whereas known differences between the spores of the remaining two species are related predominantly to spore size. | ||||||||||||||||||||
citations | —R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo | ||||||||||||||||||||
editors | RET | ||||||||||||||||||||
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name | Amanita mafingensis |
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name | Amanita mafingensis |
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[ Keys & Checklists ] [ Draft description of, & key to, sect. Caesareae ] [ Subsaharan List ] |
Each spore data set is intended to comprise a set of measurements from a single specimen made by a single observer; and explanations prepared for this site talk about specimen-observer pairs associated with each data set. Combining more data into a single data set is non-optimal because it obscures observer differences (which may be valuable for instructional purposes, for example) and may obscure instances in which a single collection inadvertently contains a mixture of taxa.