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BR (implicit)
The following text may make multiple use of each data field.
The field may contain magenta text presenting data from a type study
and/or revision of other original material cited in the protolog of the present taxon.
Macroscopic descriptions in magenta are a combination of data from the protolog and
additional observations made on the exiccata during revision of the cited original
The same field may also contain black text, which is data from a revision of the present
taxon (including non-type material and/or material not cited in the protolog).
Paragraphs of black text will be labeled if further subdivision of
this text is appropriate.
Olive text indicates a specimen that has not been
thoroughly examined (for example, for microscopic details) and marks other places in the text
where data is missing or uncertain.
The following material is derived from the protolog of the present taxon.
A. annulatovaginata var. amethystina - protolog: With the same characters as the type except entirely with a violaceous tint and with a more ephemeral partial veil. [Note: No partial veil is depicted in Mme. Goossens' watercolor of this entity.—ed.]
not recorded.
macrochemical tests
none recorded.
not recorded.
from protolog: Solitary. Terrestrial in forest of Gilbertiodendron (=Macrolobium) dewevrei.
material examined
from protolog: CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF: ?? PROV.—Diobo Akula (published as "Diobo Akuba"), xii.1925 Goossens 504 (holotype, BR MYC030937.91). [Note: At present Google Earth lists a town named "Diobo" located in Prov. Equateur [ca. 2°16'00" N/ 20°29'00" E, ca. 443 m].—ed.]
Almost nothing is known of this taxon. No color plate was published by either Beeli or Gilbert. The line drawing that is part of the protolog suggests that the specimen was collected without an attached volva because a saccate volva is suggested only by a dotted line in the figure. [Note: In all other cases, Beeli's line drawings are copies of one of Goossens' original water colors, neither Beeli nor Gilbert ever list a watercolor of var. amethystina.] The stipe is exannulate, and the marginal striations of the umbonate pileus are proportionately one-third the length of those shown for the type variety in an adjacent figure. It is worthy of note that the type variety (represented by three basidiomes of varying age) has retained its partial veil in all the specimens whereas the probably mature specimen of var. amethystina has no annulus. It appears that Gilbert may have been hasty in conflating the "varieties" of A. annulatovaginata.
—R. E. Tulloss and A. Fraiture
[Note: The editors acknowledge the generous support of Dr. André Fraiture (BR) in assisting with the authorship of this page.—eds.]
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Amanita annulatovaginata var. amethystina
name status
insufficiently known
Amanita annulatovaginata var. amethystina
Amanita annulatovaginata var. amethystina
Spore data for collections provisionally identified as: Amanita annulatovaginata var. amethystina Beeli
Each spore data set is intended to comprise a set of measurements from a single specimen made by a single observer;
and explanations prepared for this site talk about specimen-observer pairs associated with each data set.
Combining more data into a single data set is non-optimal because it obscures observer differences
(which may be valuable for instructional purposes, for example) and may obscure instances in which
a single collection inadvertently contains a mixture of taxa.